Extension | File Type | Files scanned | Contributor |
P | Applause Picture | 14 | |
P | MATLAB p-code | 10 | |
P | PADS Parts Library Part Types (v4) | 4 | |
P | PADS Parts Library Part Types (v9) | 3 | |
P00/S00/R00/U00 | PC64 flexible container format | 15 | |
P01/P02/P03 | UltraCompressor 2 archive split Part | 13 | |
P2 | PIC2 bitmap | 2 | |
P24 | Bitmapped Signum!2 printer font (24 Pins) | 5 | |
P2F | Eclipse Plugin list | 9 | |
P2G | Power2Go project | 18 | |
P2I | Power2Go Image | 6 | Joerg Jenderek |
P2L/DAT | PSM 2 compressed sound samples archive | 3 | |
P2P | Windows Live Sync placeholder | 7 | |
P3 | Phase3 Project (v2.x) | 25 | |
P3D | +3DOS / CP/M disk image | 4 | |
P3D | BIS P3D MLOD model | 2 | |
P3D | BIS P3D ODOL model | 2 | |
P3D | Panda multifile object | 5 | |
P3E | Photoshop repousse settings | 3 | |
P3T | PlayStation 3 Theme | 2050 | Joseph Castine |
P40 | The Player 4.0a module | 4 | |
P40 | The Player 4.0b module | 4 | |
P41 | The Player 4.1a module | 4 | |
P4X | The Player 4.x Music | 63 | |
P50 | The Player 5.0a module | 2 | |
P5D | Planner 5D Project | 8 | |
P5M | Image Packaging System Manifest | 7 | |
P5M | Image Packaging System Manifest (with rem) | 8 | |
P5M | Image Packaging System Manifest (with transform) | 3 | |
P5P | Solaris Image Packaging System | 17 | |
P60 | The Player 6.0a module | 4 | |
P61 | The Player 6.1a module | 2 | |
P64 | P64 NRZI flux pulse disk image | 2 | |
P65 | Adobe PageMaker document (v6.5) | 27 | |
P7 | Xv's Visual Schnauzer bitmap | 15 | |
P7S | PKCS #7 Signature | 9 | |
P7X | Packed Digital Signature | 8 | |
P8 | PICO-8 cartridge | 18 | |
P86 | Professional Music Driver P86 samples pack | 15 | |
P9 | Bitmapped Signum!2 printer font (9 Pins) | 7 | |
PA | PrintArtist project | 4 | |
PA1/PA2 | FoxPro compressed dist. archive (additional parts) | 8 | |
PA3/PPP | PabloPaint packed bitmap | 6 | |
PA3 | Parity Archive Volume Set (Par3) | 2 | |
PAA | Bohemia Interactive PAA (generic) | 11 | |
PAAF | Artisan Mat Style | 14 | |
PAB | Microsoft Personal Address Book | 3 | |
PAC | Arc System Works game data package | 2 | |
PAC | Bohemia Interactive PAC (generic) | 6 | |
PAC | CrossePAC compressed archive | 3 | |
PAC | Cydonia game video format | 563 | |
PAC | Distribution Package archive | 30 | |
PAC | Kyoto Colorful Days game data archive | 3 | |
PAC | LPAC - Lossless Predictive Audio Compression | 25 | |
PAC | Pacman - Adventures in Time game data archive | 2 | |
PAC | Persona 4 game data archive | 11 | Masamune3210 |
PAC | Proxy Auto-Config | 7 | |
PAC | Proxy Auto-Config (with rem) | 4 | |
PAC | Rumble Roses game data archive | 2 | |
PAC | SBStudio module | 9 | |
PAC | STAD hi-res (h.-packed) bitmap | 4 | |
PAC | STAD hi-res (v.-packed) bitmap | 4 | |
PAC | Sonic's serie game data archive (big-endian) | 2 | |
PAC | Sonic's serie game data archive (little-endian) | 2 | |
PAC | TPAC archive | 3 | |
PAC | Yuke PAC game data archive | 2 | |
PACK | Creative Assembly game resource data | 2 | |
PACK | Git pack format (v1) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PACK | Git pack format (v2) | 7 | |
PACK | Snark Busters game data archive | 2 | |
PACK/DYNPACK | The Saboteur game data | 16 | |
PACKED | Scrapland game data archive | 2 | |
PACKEDBODY | WinPoint message base Body | 2 | |
PACKEDINDEX | WinPoint message base index | 2 | |
PAD | Boeing Calc WorkPad (v3.x) | 4 | |
PAD | HyperPAD Pad | 66 | |
PAD | Protel PAD macro | 2 | |
PAE/PA | PowerArchiver Encrypted (AES 256) | 2 | |
PAE/PA | PowerArchiver Encrypted (Blowfish) | 2 | |
PAE/PA | PowerArchiver Encrypted (DES) | 2 | |
PAE/PA | PowerArchiver Encrypted (Rijndael) | 6 | |
PAE/PA | PowerArchiver Encrypted (TripleDES) | 2 | |
PAF | CADIF format (generic) | 12 | |
PAF | CADIF format (v4) | 4 | |
PAF | CADIF format (v6) | 2 | |
PAF | CADIF format (v7) | 4 | |
PAF | PAF Animation Format | 9 | |
PAF | PARIS Audio Format audio (big-endian) | 19 | |
PAF | Packed Animation File video | 4 | |
PAF | Personal Ancestral File (v3) | 3 | |
PAF | Personal Ancestral File (v4) | 5 | |
PAF | Personal Ancestral File (v5) | 5 | |
PAG | PPrint Page | 4 | |
PAG | RealTick page | 7 | |
PAGES | Pages document | 18 | |
PAGES | Rage megatexture | 2 | |
PAK | 10tons game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Absolute Terror game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Age of Alexander game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Artisoft installation Package | 2 | |
PAK | Battlezone 2 game data package | 4 | |
PAK | BitRock installation Package | 2 | |
PAK | Blur game data Package (PC) | 7 | |
PAK | Call Of Duty: Finest Hour game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Dragon Mania Legends game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Eyedentity Games Packing game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | FoxPro compressed dist. archive | 26 | |
PAK | Free Radical P4CK game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Free Radical P8CK game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Gothic 3 game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | HBuilder language package | 214 | |
PAK | IGP game data archive | 4 | |
PAK | Massive game data | 2 | |
PAK | Mech Commander game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Motorhead game data rchive | 2 | |
PAK | Namco All-Stars game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | No Man's Sky game data | 8 | |
PAK | PACKED/PFT compressed archive (v2.0) | 4 | |
PAK | PACKED/PFT compressed archive (v3.0) | 3 | |
PAK/ARC | PAK/ARC Compressed archive | 13 | |
PAK | Pacific Warrior 2: Dogfight game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | PlayStation 3 NPDRM encrypted EDATA | 3 | |
PAK | PlayStation 3 NPDRM encrypted SDATA | 4 | |
PAK | Quake archive | 2 | |
PAK | Rebels: Prison Escape game data | 2 | |
PAK | Risen game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Rising Kingdoms game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Simutrans object package | 171 | |
PAK | SpellForce game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Spellbound game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights,Camera,Pants! game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Starbound game data archive | 3 | |
PAK | Storm Region game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Strike Commander map | 12 | |
PAK | Sygic map | 8 | |
PAK | Time Splitters Future Perfect game data archive | 2 | |
PAK | Treasure Mountain sprites/tiles archive | 4 | |
PAKIT | Artisan Personal Art Kit (CCPKPSTM) | 8 | |
PAKIT | Artisan Personal Art Kit (PAKT) | 9 | |
PAL | Applause Palette | 11 | |
PAL | ArtCAM Palette | 4 | |
PAL | CHAOS Attractor Palette | 3 | |
PAL | CHAOS Barnsley Palette | 13 | |
PAL | CHAOS Toy Universe Palette | 7 | |
PAL | CWPAL color palette | 2 | |
PAL | Cream Software Palette definition | 5 | |
PAL | DCTV Paint Palette | 8 | |
PAL | DIV Games Studio Palette | 20 | |
PAL | Daneba Canvas Palette (v3.x) | 12 | |
PAL | Dark Reign Palette | 3 | |
PAL | Dr. Halo Palette | 26 | |
PAL | Dynamix Palette | 2 | |
PAL | FM Towns Palette | 3 | |
PAL/PSPPALETTE | JASC format Palette | 8 | |
PAL | Matrox Palette | 2 | |
PAL | NeoDraw Palette | 3 | |
PAL | NeoPaint Palette | 14 | |
PAL | PI Image Palette | 4 | |
PAL | Papillon Palette | 3 | |
PAL | PiXCL text Palette | 7 | |
PAL | RIFF Palette | 25 | |
PAL | RIFF Palette (Extended) | 2 | |
PAL | SMS Palette | 4 | |
PAL | Train Simulator colors Palette | 4 | |
PAL | Twisted Metal (PC) Palette | 19 | |
PAL | White Wolf Productions Palette | 5 | |
PAL | ZSoft Palette | 12 | |
PALN | Freedom Fighters graphics | 5 | |
PAM | Portable Arbitrary Map bitmap | 17 | |
PAN | Cydonia game data | 147 | |
PAN | Hyperspeed Animation | 38 | |
PAN | Pandore Object | 24 | |
PAN | Panorama database | 61 | Joerg Jenderek |
PANDO | Pando Package | 16 | |
PAP | Dynamic Publisher screen | 6 | |
PAP | Fractal Design Painter Paper grain | 13 | |
PAP | Papyrus document | 45 | |
PAQ8F | PAQ8F compressed archive | 4 | |
PAQ8JC | PAQ8JC compressed archive | 4 | selepo |
PAQ8JD | PAQ8JD compressed archive | 2 | |
PAQ8L | PAQ8L compressed archive | 3 | Holger Burghardt |
PAQ8O | PAQ8O compressed archive | 41 | Holger Burghardt |
PAQ8O8 | paq8o8 compressed archive | 3 | |
PAR | Aerofly model parameters | 17 | |
PAR | Anfatec SPM Parameters | 4 | |
PAR | Floppy Disk Emulator configuration | 4 | |
PAR | GSMSEND configuration | 6 | |
PAR | PAR compressed archive | 4 | |
PAR | Parity Archive Volume Set (Par1) | 12 | |
PAR | RC Simulator game data | 3 | |
PAR | Solid Edge part/model | 89 | |
PAR | Word Writer 128 print Parameters/options | 20 | |
PAR | World Construction Set Parameters (v1.x) | 12 | |
PAR | World Construction Set Parameters (v2.x) | 10 | |
PAR2 | Parity Archive Volume Set (Par2) | 8 | |
PARAM | CASTEP Parameters | 7 | |
PARMS | Amiga Plot Parameters | 17 | |
PARQUET | Parquet storage format | 77 | |
PAS | WinCC script | 2 | |
PAT | 5th Generation Sys. Patch | 12 | |
PAT | Adobe Photoshop Pattern | 7 | |
PAT | BNUPORT Patch Table | 3 | |
PAT | Black and White 2 paths data | 12 | |
PAT | CorelDRAW Pattern (v2.0) | 34 | |
PAT | CorelDRAW Pattern (v6) | 71 | |
PAT | CorelDRAW Pattern (zipped v22) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PAT | GIMP Pattern | 130 | |
PAT | Gravis UltraSound GF1 patch | 2 | |
PAT | MegaPaint Pattern | 8 | |
PAT | Mission Patch | 2 | |
PAT | NeoPaint Palette | 3 | |
PAT | PCStich pattern | 7 | |
PAT | PPrint Pattern | 3 | |
PAT | PaintShow Pattern | 16 | |
PAT | SNNS pattern definition | 5 | |
PAT | Synology DSM install Package (new, v7) | 17 | |
PAT | Synology DSM install Package (old, v6) | 10 | |
PAT | Synology install Package (generic) | 25 | |
PAT | Train Simulator Path | 118 | |
PATCH/BSDIFF | Courgette Binary Diff output | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
PATCH | RCS/CVS diff output | 16 | |
PATCH | SuperJAM! Patch | 12 | |
PATCH/PCH/DIFF/DIF | diff output text | 9 | |
PATCH | imgdiff patch (v1) | 2 | |
PATCH | imgdiff patch (v2) | 2 | |
PATCHBRAIN | VirusExecutor Patch Brain | 7 | |
PATTERN | Lightwork Pattern | 4 | |
PATTERN | Lightwork Pattern (name first) | 6 | |
PAU | The Print Shop Deluxe Autograph | 2 | |
PAW | Turbo Rascal Syntax Error Packing and disk info | 12 | |
PAX | PAX password protected bitmap | 5 | |
PAX | Pax compressed archive | 8 | |
PB | Cyberlore Studios Playboy game map | 3 | |
PB | Papyrus X DB XML | 12 | |
PB | Particles format (big-endian) | 20 | |
PB | Particles format (little-endian) | 977 | |
PB | PowerBASIC/DOS configuration file | 2 | |
PB | PowerBase database (v1.0) | 8 | |
PB | PowerBase database (v3.x) | 3 | |
PB | PureBasic source (with PB IDE info, UTF-8) | 14 | |
PBB | PhoneBook Backup | 2 | |
PBC | Parrot ByteCode | 4 | |
PBD | PowerBASIC debugger symbols | 5 | |
PBD | PowerBuilder Dynamic library | 12 | |
PBF | OpenStreetMap PBF data | 8 | |
PBF | Paragon Backup Format image | 4 | |
PBF | Portable Bitmap Format | 2 | |
PBF | PowerBackup Archive File | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
PBF | ProtoBuf binary format map data | 5 | |
PBF | Sprite Backup image | 2 | |
PBF | Turtle Beach Pinnacle sound Bank File | 6 | |
PBH | PowerBASIC Help | 2 | |
PBI | PC-BSD Installer Package | 30 | |
PBIT | PBIT disk image | 6 | |
PBIVIZ | Power BI desktop Visual data | 15 | |
PBIX | Power BI report | 62 | |
PBJ | Pixel Bender bytecode | 26 | |
PBJ | PowerBackup Job | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
PBK | Microsoft PhoneBook | 17 | |
PBK | Microsoft PhoneBook (UTF-8) | 13 | |
PBK | Pixel Bender Kernel | 20 | |
PBK | Pixel Bender Kernel (with rem) | 5 | |
PBK | Playmaker Football Playbook | 17 | |
PBK/PWD | TSI Protected | 3 | |
PBK | The Print Shop Deluxe Backdrop | 2 | |
PBK | Ultimate Football '95 Playbook | 33 | |
PBL | PiXCL Binary Palette | 2 | |
PBL | PowerBuilder Library | 37 | |
PBLIB/SLL | PowerBASIC Static Link Library | 58 | |
PBM/BBM/LBM | IFF Packed Bitmap | 13 | |
PBM | Portable BitMap (ASCII) | 3 | |
PBM | Portable BitMap (binary) | 26 | |
PBN | Portable Bridge Notation (gen) | 217 | |
PBN | Portable Bridge Notation (v1.0) | 104 | |
PBN | Portable Bridge Notation (v2.0) | 22 | |
PBO | Packed Bohemia Object game data archive | 6 | |
PBP | Phoenix Visual Designer project | 18 | |
PBP | PlayStation Portable Firmware | 2 | |
PBP | PowerBASIC Project | 9 | |
PBP | PowerBuilder trace Profile | 2 | |
PBP | PureBasic Project | 6 | |
PBR | PowerBASIC resource | 24 | |
PBR | The Print Shop Deluxe Border | 2 | |
PBS | The Need for Speed car Performance Specs | 9 | |
PBT | PocketBook Theme | 4 | |
PBT | PowerBuilder Target | 11 | |
PBTX | PowerBuilder .NET Target | 6 | |
PBU | PowerBASIC/DOS Compiled Unit | 10 | |
PBW | Pebble Watchface | 43 | |
PBW | PowerBuilder Workspace | 8 | |
PBXPROJ | Apple Project Builder Xcode Project | 34 | |
PBXUSER | Apple Xcode User data | 11 | |
PBZ | Pebble firmware | 40 | |
PC1 | DEGAS low-res compressed bitmap | 9 | |
PC2 | DEGAS med-res compressed bitmap | 2 | |
PC3 | AutoCAD Plotter Configuration | 28 | Peter Glasl |
PC3 | DEGAS hi-res compressed bitmap | 4 | |
PC6 | Norton pcAnywhere host list | 2 | |
PCAM | Aegis ProMotion Camera | 2 | |
PCAP | Extended TCPDUMP's style capture (big-endian) | 5 | |
PCAP | Extended TCPDUMP's style capture (little-endian) | 4 | |
PCAP/ACP | TCPDUMP's style capture (big-endian) | 2 | |
PCAP/ACP | TCPDUMP's style capture (little-endian) | 21 | |
PCAPNG | Wireshark PCAP Next Generation Dump File Format (Big Endian) | 2 | |
PCAPNG | Wireshark PCAP Next Generation Dump File Format (Little Endian) | 2 | |
PCB | ACCEL Printed Circuit Board (ASCII) | 10 | |
PCB | ACCEL or Protel Printed Circuit Board file (binary) | 10 | |
PCB | CADSTAR PCB design (binary) | 8 | |
PCB | P-CAD Printed Curcuit Board | 8 | |
PCB | PCB 3.0 Binary file | 5 | |
PCB | PCB 4.0 Binary file | 4 | |
PCB | PCB ASCII Printed Circuit Board | 32 | |
PCB | The Print Shop Deluxe Business card | 3 | |
PCB | smARTWORK Printed Circuit Board project | 6 | |
PCBDOC | Altium Designer PCB Document | 54 | |
PCBLIB | Protel PCB 3.0 Binary Library | 88 | fengdaolong |
PCBLIB | Protel PCB 5.0 Binary Library | 31 | |
PCC | The Print Shop Deluxe Certificate | 2 | |
PCD | Kodak Photo CD Overview Pack | 3 | |
PCD | Kodak PhotoCD bitmap | 103 | |
PCD | MSPLOT Plotter Driver Minidriver | 31 | |
PCD | Microsoft Test compiled P-Code (v3.0) | 11 | |
PCD | Point Cloud Data | 17 | |
PCD | Pure Compound Data | 2 | |
PCE | The Print Shop Deluxe Envelope | 2 | |
PCF | Altera Pattern Capture Format | 164 | |
PCF | Cisco VPN Profile Configuration File | 16 | |
PCF | Piping Component File | 5 | |
PCF | Polyomino Compressed Image Format bitmap | 5 | |
PCF/PMF | Portable Compiled Format font | 76 | |
PCF | Poser Coded Figure (v1.0) | 14 | |
PCF | ProtoCAD 3D drawing (v2.00) | 8 | |
PCF | Solid Edge Packaged Collaboration File | 4 | |
PCF | Valve particle storage | 10 | |
PCG | AutoDesk Revit Indexed Point Cloud | 5 | Tyler Thorsted |
PCG | Korg Trinity/Triton instruments bank (generic) | 14 | |
PCG | PCGen Character | 50 | |
PCG | The Print Shop Deluxe Columns Graphic | 2 | |
PCH/PATCH | IFF binary Patch | 19 | |
PCH | MS Visual C++ precompiled header | 28 | |
PCH2 | Nord Modular G2 Patch | 314 | |
PCK | Godot Package format (v1) | 6 | |
PCK | In the Groove game data Package | 2 | |
PCK | The Saboteur game data | 10 | |
PCK | WWII Tank Commander game data archive | 2 | |
PCKGDEP | Visual Studio Package Dependency Data | 11 | |
PCL/PRN | HP Printer Command Language (ESC+E) | 151 | |
PCL/PRN/PXL/PX3 | HP Printer Command Language (UEL) | 158 | |
PCL | Pencil project | 13 | |
PCM | HP LaserJet Printer Cartridge Metric | 31 | |
PCM/PCS | Pfaff Compatible design card | 34 | |
PCMP | Pixel Attributes map | 3 | |
PCO | PC-Outline outline | 13 | |
PCP | AutoCAD Plotter Configuration | 19 | |
PCP | Microsoft Windows Installer Patch Creation Properties | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
PCP | The Print Shop Deluxe Postcard | 2 | |
PCR | PCR font | 22 | |
PCR | PCR image bitmap | 4 | |
PCS | Fractal Design Painter Colors Set | 11 | |
PCS | King Of Fighters XIII game data archive | 4 | |
PCS | Microsoft PowerPoint Picture Storage | 7 | |
PCS | PC Speaker Music format | 37 | |
PCS | PhotoChrome bitmap | 22 | |
PCS | REBEL Pieces | 14 | |
PCS | Yamaha Piano Combo Style | 42 | |
PCSAV | Mass Effect 2 save game | 119 | |
PCT | Dynamic Publisher Picture/Screen | 3 | |
PCT | Macintosh Pict image (MacBinary) | 1 | |
PCT | NIST IHead bitmap | 2 | |
PCT | PC-Type document | 5 | |
PCT/PICT/PIC | QuickDraw/PICT bitmap (v1) | 8 | |
PCT/PICT/PIC | QuickDraw/PICT bitmap (v2) | 19 | |
PCT | The Print Shop Deluxe Card Timepieces | 2 | |
PCU | XProfan Compiled Unit | 4 | |
PCV | MozBackup backup file | 15 | Maggy Rond |
PCV | PCVIC VIC-20 emulator saved-session | 2 | |
PCX/GXL/LIB/PCL/VXL | PCX Library game data container | 9 | |
PCX | PCX bitmap (Win) | 2 | |
PCX | PCX bitmap (v2.5) | 2 | |
PCX | PCX bitmap (v2.8) | 11 | |
PCX | PCX bitmap (v2.8, palette) | 13 | |
PCX | PCX bitmap (v3.0) | 27 | |
PD | PipeDream document | 36 | |
PD | Pure Data patch | 441 | |
PD3 | Denso BHT PD3 Image File / Program | 20 | |
PDA | Playdate Audio | 54 | |
PDB | .NET portable PDB | 47 | |
PDB | BGBlitz position database | 10 | |
PDB | GrayPaint bitmap | 2 | |
PDB | HP 100/200lx Palmtop phonebook | 4 | |
PDB | LAMPWords Dictionary Databases | 7 | |
PDB | Merriam-Webster's Pocket Dictionary | 2 | |
PDB | Microsoft Program DataBase (generic) | 139 | |
PDB | Microsoft Program DataBase (v2) | 1629 | Joerg Jenderek |
PDB | Microsoft Program DataBase (v7) | 7037 | Joerg Jenderek |
PDB | Palm Bible+ document | 5 | |
PDB | Palm Dictionary Reader | 11 | |
PDB | Palm Diddle sketch drawing | 5 | |
PDB | Palm DiddleBug sketch | 2 | |
PDB | Palm FireViewer bitmap | 6 | |
PDB | Palm GrayPaint bitmap | 2 | |
PDB | Palm HanDBase DB | 15 | |
PDB | Palm JFile Pro database | 3 | |
PDB | Palm JFile database | 2 | |
PDB | Palm List database | 4 | |
PDB | Palm MobileDB database | 8 | |
PDB | Palm PCM Ringtone | 6 | |
PDB | Palm PeanutReader e-book | 2 | |
PDB | Palm Pilot bitmap | 44 | |
PDB | Palm Pilot-DB database | 13 | |
PDB | Palm Plucker document | 7 | |
PDB | Palm PocketChess deluxe games library | 3 | |
PDB | Palm Quicksheet | 3 | |
PDB | Palm Standard Midi File Ringtone | 26 | |
PDB | Palm SuperMemo | 5 | |
PDB | Palm TealDoc document | 5 | |
PDB | Palm TealInfo | 4 | |
PDB | Palm TealMeal | 15 | |
PDB | Palm TealMovie video+audio | 6 | |
PDB | Palm TealPaint drawing | 3 | |
PDB | Palm ThoughtManager | 8 | |
PDB | Palm Tides | 11 | |
PDB | Palm WineMaster list | 8 | |
PDB | Palm iSilo 1.x/2.x document | 2 | |
PDB | Palm iSilo 3.x document | 4 | |
PDB | PalmDOC text document | 9 | |
PDB | PalmDraft schematic | 14 | |
PDB | Protein DataBank | 21 | |
PDB | Protein Databank (with HTML header) | 43 | |
PDB | Pure C Project DB | 5 | |
PDB | SmartList To Go database | 12 | |
PDB | The Print Shop Deluxe Banner | 2 | |
PDB | Treo Phone skin | 9 | |
PDB | zTXT eBook | 9 | |
PDC | Pebble Draw Command image | 9 | |
PDC | Pebble Draw Command sequence | 2 | |
PDC | The Print Shop Deluxe Calendar | 2 | |
PDD | Adobe Photoshop Elements (PhotoDeluxe) image | 124 | Joerg Jenderek |
PDD | Psion Physical Device Driver | 4 | |
PDE | Prescription Drug Event format | 6 | |
PDF | Adobe Portable Document Format | 19 | |
PDF | Adobe Portable Document Format (UTF-8) | 4 | |
PDF | Adobe Portable Document Format (password protected) | 20 | |
PDF | Expressware Printer Definition File | 289 | |
PDF | GraphiCode Programmable Device Format | 8 | Kieran O'Donnell |
PDF | Novell System PrintDef Device Definition | 30 | |
PDF | PostScript Printer Description File | 65 | |
PDF | Standard Word Printer Definition | 13 | |
PDF | WordStar Printer Description File | 6 | |
PDF | ZUGFeRD PDF | 98 | |
PDFONT | Professional Draw Font | 4 | |
PDFXML/MARS | Adobe PDFXML document | 3 | |
PDG | SuperStar Digital eBook | 1336 | fengdaolong |
PDG | The Print Shop Deluxe Greeting card | 2 | |
PDI | PDI Disk Image (Type 1) | 2 | |
PDI | Playdate Image | 177 | |
PDI | Protected Disk Image format | 2 | |
PDK | PADAUK binary | 21 | |
PDL | PowerDream Library (v1.0) | 6 | |
PDL | The Print Shop Deluxe Letterhead | 2 | |
PDM/ACC | DeskMate Program/Accessory executable (v3.x) | 32 | |
PDM | PowerDesigner Model | 16 | |
PDN | Paint.NET Image (v3) | 4 | |
PDN | Portable Draughts Notation | 6 | |
PDN | The Need for Speed car data | 7 | |
PDO | Pepakura Designer work | 5 | |
PDO | Pepakura Designer work (with rem) | 24 | |
PDPARAMS | PaddlePaddle PreTrain Data | 6 | |
PDR | Alchemy Mindworks Printer Driver | 2 | |
PDR | Electronics Arts Pure Data | 2 | |
PDR | Gee! Printer Driver | 26 | |
PDR | Playmaker Football Team data | 16 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw document (generic) | 18 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw document (v1.x) | 7 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw document (v2.x) | 9 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw document (v3.x) | 9 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw page (v1.x) | 5 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw page (v2.x) | 7 | |
PDRAW/PD | Professional Draw page (v3.x) | 9 | |
PDS | PALASM Design Description | 11 | |
PDS | Playdate localized Strings | 12 | |
PDS | Print Shop graphic | 40 | |
PDS | The Print Shop Deluxe Sign | 2 | |
PDSPRJ | Proteus Project | 4 | |
PDT | Digital Illusions game data package | 2 | |
PDT | PDT structure definition | 5 | |
PDT | Playdate images Table | 18 | |
PDT | ProCite data (v5+ | 2 | |
PDT | RealLive PDT10 image | 14 | |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit message data | 7 | |
PDV | UCDOS Printer Driver (v1.x) | 38 | |
PDW | HiJaak vector graphics | 11 | |
PDX | Adobe Portable Document Catalog Index 2.0 | 5 | |
PDX | PageDraw document | 17 | |
PDZ | Playdate container/executable | 6 | |
PE | PETSCII Editor screen | 4 | |
PE3 | Ulead Imageiio/Imaginfo thumbnail | 2 | |
PE3 | Ulead Imaginfo thumbnail (v3) | 25 | Joerg Jenderek |
PE4 | Ulead Imageiio/Imaginfo thumbnail | 11 | |
PE4 | Ulead Imaginfo thumbnail (v4) | 70 | Joerg Jenderek |
PEA | PEA compressed archive (v1.x) | 2 | |
PEA | PEA compressed archive (v2.x) | 2 | |
PEAK | Peak audio info | 12 | |
PEC | Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery format | 4 | |
PECOM | Pecom 64 program | 14 | |
PEF | Pentax RAW image | 34 | |
PEF | Portable Embosser Format | 8 | |
PEG | Peggle replay | 34 | |
PEG | Red Faction 2 game data archive | 4 | |
PEGN | Peggle Nights replay | 41 | |
PEK | Adobe Premiere Peak Waveform | 5 | |
PEN | Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center document | 5 | |
PENPOT | Penpot project | 21 | |
PER | Span-It! Personality definition | 10 | |
PERF | Linux perf file format | 2 | |
PERF | Music-X Performance | 15 | |
PERLAPP | PerlApp settings | 10 | |
PERSPECTIVE | Xcode perspective | 12 | |
PERSPECTIVEV3 | Xcode perspective (V3) | 16 | |
PES | Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery Format | 31 | FILExt |
PES | PhysicsEditor Sheet | 12 | |
PES | Test Drive PC shapes game data | 18 | |
PES | The Cycles track data | 15 | |
PEW | BIS Visitor Project | 2 | |
PEX | Aquaplus P/ECE Executable | 18 | |
PEX | SilkExplorer - Performance Explorer Workspace | 2 | |
PEZ | Prezi Desktop presentation | 8 | |
PF | Microsoft Windows 10 Prefetch data | 194 | |
PF | Microsoft Windows 8 Prefetch data | 216 | |
PF | Microsoft Windows Prefetch data (generic) | 216 | |
PF | Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 Prefetch data | 216 | |
PF | Microsoft Windows XP Prefetch data | 216 | |
PF | PageFocus Form | 96 | |
PF | deepMesh 3D PreFab | 16 | |
PF2 | GRUB2 font | 24 | Joerg Jenderek |
PFA | Adobe Type 1 Font | 23 | |
PFA | PostScript Type 1 Font (generic) | 156 | |
PFA | PostScript Type 1 Font (v1.0) | 22 | |
PFA | PostScript Type 1 Font (v1.1) | 52 | |
PFB | Adobe PostScript Type 1 Font | 122 | |
PFC | AOL Preferences/Personal Filing Cabinet | 3 | |
PFCOLORS | Pixelformer Colors | 2 | |
PFD | Playstation 3 savegame control data | 6 | |
PFD | ProForm Database | 4 | |
PFDC | PFDC disk image | 3 | |
PFF | Formatta Portable Form File | 4 | |
PFF | Novalogic game data archive (PFF0) | 2 | |
PFF | Novalogic game data archive (PFF3) | 4 | |
PFG | jEEPers Program Configuration file (with rem) | 29 | |
PFG | jEEPers Program Configuration file (without rem) | 25 | |
PFI | PCE Flux Image disk image | 2 | |
PFI | PhotoFiltre Image bitmap | 8 | |
PFILE | Microsoft Rights Management protected data | 32 | |
PFL | PhotoFilter plugin | 18 | |
PFM | Adobe Printer Font Metrics | 231 | |
PFM | Cimatron Drawing | 106 | Fabrizio "Toda" Todaro |
PFM | Portable Float Map color bitmap | 2 | |
PFM | Portable Float Map grayscale bitmap | 2 | |
PFP | Xenonauts game data archive | 3 | |
PFR | Portable Font Resource | 3 | |
PFT | ChiWriter Printer Font | 19 | |
PFT | Playdate Font | 6 | |
PFV | PhotoFiltre path | 10 | |
PFX | CA Visual Objects Prefix | 18 | |
PG | Montage Page | 16 | |
PG | STK Propagator format | 3 | |
PGC/PGF | PGC Portfolio Graphics Compressed bitmap | 11 | |
PGC | PGN (Portable Gaming Notation) Compressed format | 4 | |
PGD | PGP Disk image | 3 | THE LoW |
PGF | ABB RobotStudio Program File | 8 | |
PGF | PGF Font | 4 | |
PGF | Progressive Graphics File bitmap | 16 | |
PGM | Corum VIP Program | 165 | |
PGM | HOT Pop-Up Program | 6 | |
PGM | Opentech Digital STB main software | 19 | |
PGM | Portable GrayMap bitmap (ASCII) | 12 | |
PGM | Portable GrayMap bitmap (binary) | 3 | |
PGM | SwissMicros DM42 programs firmware | 12 | |
PGM | Yamaha RS7000 OS image | 3 | |
PGML | Precision Graphics Markup Language | 19 | |
PGMX | ProbModelXML model | 11 | |
PGN | Portable Gaming Notation | 4 | |
PGN | Portable Gaming Notation (UTF-8) | 7 | | NEW! |
PGO | Papagayo lipsync info | 4 | |
PGP/GPG | PGP symmetric key encrypted message | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
PGP/GPG | PGP symmetric key encrypted message (salted) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
PGP/GPG | PGP symmetric key encrypted message (salted+iterated) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public Keyring (v2) | 2 | Joerg Jenderek |
PGR | PowerGraphics bitmap | 3 | |
PGS | PageStream document | 542 | |
PGTB | IFF ProGram TraceBack | 2 | |
PGX | Foenix eXecutable binary (65816) | 2 | |
PGX | Foenix eXecutable binary (generic) | 2 | |
PGX | PGX JPEG 2000 bitmap (LM) | 4 | |
PGX | PGX JPEG 2000 bitmap (ML) | 79 | |
PGX | Portfolio PGX bitmap | 2 | |
PH | PH video | 50 | |
PHB | CMN Phonebook | 8 | |
PHC | Home Embroidery Format | 13 | |
PHD | PERQemu Hard Disk image | 2 | |
PHD | PolyHedral Database | 5 | |
PHD | Portable Heap Dump dump | 3 | |
PHF | Photo Font | 18 | |
PHF | QNX Photon Font (bitmap) | 23 | |
PHJ | PhCNC project | 12 | |
PHM | PureHELPMaker Project | 4 | |
PHN | Chipcardmaster Phonebook | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
PHN | Phun scene | 26 | |
PHO | Gerber Photoplot | 5 | |
PHONE | InterTalk Phonebook | 3 | |
PHP | PHP source | 18 | |
PHPIMC | PuavoHard Intro Music Composer module (v3) | 7 | |
PHPIMCI | PuavoHard Intro Music Composer Instrument (v3) | 114 | |
PHPPROJ | Visual Studio PHP Project | 7 | |
PHPRJ | RadPHP Project | 5 | |
PHR | iGO Phoneme data | 5 | |
PHV | Viking Sewing Machines emroidery disk file | 3 | |
PHX | Advanced Gravis Phoenix configuration | 48 | |
PHX | Phoenix RC simulator update | 5 | |
PI | Pi bitmap | 52 | |
PI2 | DEGAS med-res bitmap | 2 | |
PI3 | DEGAS hi-res bitmap | 3 | |
PIB | PIM Backup | 4 | |
PIC | Armor Command Picture | 276 | |
PIC | Bio-Rad Image(s) bitmap | 84 | |
PIC/HPC/MPC/TPC | Creative C/MS packed screen | 46 | |
PIC | Cybiko Picture bitmap | 76 | |
PIC | Dr. Halo device dependent bitmap (generic) | 37 | |
PIC | EA Seattle picture game data (UNCP) | 68 | |
PIC/TEM | FONTASY Picture | 37 | |
PIC | IBM Storyboard bitmap (generic) | 155 | |
PIC | In-a-Vision drawing | 8 | |
PIC | Koala Micro Illustrator bitmap | 6 | |
PIC | Lotus Picture | 9 | Joerg Jenderek |
PIC/PAL | MPS Labs Picture/Palette bitmap | 89 | |
PIC | PC Paint bitmap (v1.0) | 10 | |
PIC | PC Paint bitmap (v1.5) | 6 | |
PIC/CLP | PC Paint/Pictor bitmap | 75 | |
PIC | Personal Paint encrypted bitmap | 2 | |
PIC | Pictris Picture | 14 | |
PIC/PICIO/PIXAR/PXR | Pixar picture bitmap | 5 | |
PIC | Psion Serie 3 bitmap | 21 | |
PIC | Reunion graphics | 448 | |
PIC | Softimage Picture bitmap | 27 | |
PIC | Yanagisawa PIC bitmap | 240 | |
PIC | Yanagisawa PIC bitmap (no rem) | 18 | |
PIC | Z-Artist Picture bitmap | 19 | |
PICT | Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing | 12 | |
PIE | Poste Italiane Email Digital Postmark | 7 | |
PIF | Portable Image File bitmap | 27 | |
PIF | Program Information File (Windows) | 4 | |
PIFF | Protected Interoperable File Format | 5 | |
PIGM | Packaged Indigo Renderer Material | 9 | |
PII | TownsPaint II (v1) | 4 | |
PII | TownsPaint II (v2) | 3 | |
PIK | PIK bitmap | 2 | |
PIKA | Pika Software Builder Project | 7 | |
PILEUP | Pileup format | 3 | |
PIM/SON/VB | Beam Software SIFF container (generic) | 15 | |
PIM | Beam Software SIFF sprite/image | 4 | |
PIM | PIM compressed archive (v2) | 7 | |
PIM | PIMPLE compressed data (v1) | 3 | |
PIM | PIMPLE compressed data (v2) | 2 | |
PIMG | PCE block device image | 3 | |
PIMX | Adobe Application Manager Package Info | 12 | |
PIS | ASEAM 2 Plant Input Screen/Data | 10 | |
PIS | Beni Tracker module | 25 | |
PIS | PS2DIS project | 2 | |
PISKEL | Piskel sprite | 14 | |
PIT | Odin Partition Information Table | 16 | |
PIT | PackIt compressed archive | 3 | |
PIX | Alias PIX bitmap | 3 | |
PIX | BRender PIX bitmap | 7 | |
PIX | DR Draw drawing | 4 | |
PIX | Esm Software PIX bitmap | 18 | |
PIX | Fractal Design Preview bitmap | 4 | |
PIX | Inset PIX bitmap | 6 | |
PIX | PABX Background bitmap | 21 | |
PIX | PCI Geomatics format | 7 | |
PIX | PixArt bitmap (v1) | 2 | |
PIX | PixArt bitmap (v2) | 7 | |
PIXEXP | PIX Experiment | 15 | |
PIXICODE | Pixilang compiled byte-code | 8 | |
PIXIMOD | PixiTracker Module | 19 | |
PIXIPACK | PixiTracker sounds Pack | 18 | |
PIZ | Supersonic Software game data archive | 2 | |
PJ | SuperProject Expert Project (v1.x) | 8 | |
PJ/SPJ | SuperProject Project (v2.x) | 14 | |
PJ | VideoMaxe Project | 4 | |
PJD | DialogBlocks Project | 9 | |
PJG | packJPG compressed JPEG bitmap | 34 | aeiou256 |
PJKT | StarAm Plan Project | 6 | |
PJM | PSXjin movie capture | 18 | |
PJT | Corum VIP Project | 8 | |
PJT | Holtek HT-IDE3000 Project | 5 | |
PJTX | Holtek HT-IDE3000 Project (XML) | 7 | |
PJW | Holtek HT-IDE3000 Project Workspace | 8 | |
PK | TeX Packed font data | 9 | |
PK$ | Symantec compressed install Package | 19 | |
PK2 | PICkit 2 firmware | 2 | |
PK2 | PTC Creo 3D model | 6 | |
PK3 | Quake 3 game data | 12 | |
PK3 | Quake Live game data | 54 | Oleg Surfer |
PKA | Pack List Archive | 6 | |
PKD | PackDev compressed disk image | 2 | |
PKD | Rings of Medusa game data | 2 | |
PKE/PKN | Extron IP Link driver | 9 | |
PKF | Adobe Audition Peak File | 5 | |
PKG/PCK | Audiokinetic Wwise Package | 30 | |
PKG | BeOS installation package | 162 | |
PKG | FinalBuilder actions Package | 9 | |
PKG | I-DEAS Package | 11 | Eric Syversen |
PKG | IAFA Package info | 6 | |
PKG | Independence War 2 mod Package | 11 | |
PKG | InstallShield compiled setup Package | 46 | |
PKG | MicroImages Package | 2 | |
PKG | Newton Package (NOS v1.x) | 3 | |
PKG | Newton Package (NOS v2.x) | 8 | |
PKG | Newton Package (generic) | 16 | |
PKG | Newton PaperBack eBook | 5 | |
PKG | OS/2 install Package (with rem) | 7 | |
PKG/PAK | OS/2 installation package/archive | 46 | |
PKG | Order of War game data archive | 2 | |
PKG | Outerra Package | 14 | |
PKG | Psychonauts game data archive | 2 | |
PKG | SkyOS add-on Package | 42 | |
PKG | Sony PS Package (generic) | 13 | Masamune3210 |
PKG | Sony PS3 Package (debug) | 2 | |
PKG | Sony PS3 Package (finalized/retail) | 2 | |
PKG | Sony PSP/PSVita Package (debug) | 2 | |
PKG | Sony PSP/PSVita Package (finalized/retail) | 2 | |
PKG | Sun SVR4 package data stream | 6 | |
PKG | UniComal COMAL 80 Package/module | 3 | |
PKGPROJ | Packages Project | 10 | |
PKI | PKI/ImgFun bitmap | 2 | |
PKINFO | ArcGIS Package Info | 8 | |
PKL/PICKLE | Python Pickle serialized data | 11 | |
PKM | GrafX2 bitmap | 4 | |
PKM | PockEmul session | 5 | |
PKPASS | iOS Passbook Pass | 9 | |
PKPROJ | Visual CCScript Project | 7 | |
PKR | Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public Keyring | 10 | |
PKS | Panzerkrieg for Windows Scenario | 4 | |
PKS | Pksmart compressed data (v1) | 5 | |
PKT | InterBase Packing (v1.0) | 8 | |
PKV | Microsoft Private Key format | 2 | |
PKV | Steam package data | 4 | |
PL | PROGRESS Procedure Library (v11) | 5 | |
PL | PROGRESS Procedure Library (v9) | 5 | |
PL | Perl script | 8 | |
PL | PhotoList | 2 | |
PL | Printerleaf/WorldView document | 5 | |
PL | Samplitude Playlist (old) | 4 | |
PL4 | Micrografx Designer Palette | 5 | |
PLA | ArchiCAD Plan Archive | 6 | |
PLA | Platinen Layout Programm Layout | 18 | |
PLAN | Chief Architect plan | 11 | |
PLAN | Home Designer plan | 4 | |
PLAN | MaxiPlan spreadsheet | 46 | | NEW! |
PLANNER | Planner project | 10 | |
PLAR | Primate Labs Archive | 11 | |
PLAYER | 2D Fighter Maker 2nd player data | 9 | |
PLAYER | 2D Fighter Maker 95 player data | 6 | |
PLAYER | Metro Exodus save game | 24 | |
PLAYER | Starbound player data (v1) | 3 | |
PLAYER | Starbound player data (v1.1) | 4 | |
PLB | PhotoLine browse index | 6 | |
PLB | Rockwell Arena Picture Library | 8 | |
PLBM | IFF Planar Bitmap | 20 | |
PLC | LPL Compiled code | 26 | |
PLCPROJ | TwinCAT PLC Project | 5 | |
PLCPROJ | TwinCAT PLC Project (UTF-8) | 59 | |
PLD | CUPL PLD Program format | 14 | |
PLD | CUPL PLD Program format (with rem) | 8 | |
PLD | Messenger Plus! Backup Configuration | 3 | |
PLD | PhotoLine32 Document | 7 | |
PLE | Messenger Plus! Encrypted chat log | 7 | |
PLE | Messenger Plus! Encrypted chat log (alternate) | 8 | |
PLF | Siemens TIA PLC File | 88 | |
PLG | Aston Shell plugin | 13 | |
PLG | Picroma Plasma Graphics | 5 | |
PLG | Slubman firmware Plugin | 10 | |
PLG | Visual Studio Project build log | 12 | |
PLGX | KeePass 2.0 plugin | 15 | Ruling Solutions |
PLI | OpenToonz vector level (v1.x) | 4 | |
PLIST | Apple iPhone firmware restore Property List | 6 | |
PLIST | XML Property List | 20 | |
PLL | Clipper Pre-Linked Library | 9 | |
PLL | PAKLEO compressed archive | 6 | |
PLM | Disorder Tracker 2 module | 9 | |
PLM | Panasonic SD Voice Editor file | 2 | |
PLMXML | PLM XML | 18 | |
PLN | COSMI 3-D Floorplan Designer Plan (v2.0) | 4 | |
PLN | Home Plan Pro 5 Plan | 9 | |
PLN | Microsoft Flight Simulator Flight Plan | 4 | |
PLN | Palantir WinTime Plan | 14 | |
PLN | PlanPerfect spreadsheet | 8 | |
PLN | Project Master Plan data | 3 | |
PLP | Messenger Plus! Sound Pack | 10 | |
PLR | Descent Player | 3 | |
PLS | MAGIX music studio Patch List | 35 | |
PLS | PenCell Spreadsheet | 5 | |
PLS | WinAmp/SHOUTcast PlayList | 16 | |
PLSC | Messenger Script Pack | 8 | |
PLSK | Messenger Plus! Skin Pack | 24 | Stef |
PLT | Apricot Writer-8x Plot script | 4 | |
PLT | Gerber Scientific plot | 10 | |
PLT | HPGL plot file | 2 | |
PLT | Infinity Engine paperdoll (v1) | 40 | Sam. |
PLT | Lotus Organiser Paper Layout (old) | 31 | |
PLT | Lotus Organizer Paper Layout (new) | 45 | |
PLT | Nanosurf PLT SPM text data | 2 | |
PLT | OziExplorer track file | 7 | |
PLT | PlayLisT for TSV video | 21 | Joerg Jenderek |
PLT | Rhea-PV2D (PlotView-2D) plot | 3 | |
PLT | Scooter-PCB circuit layout | 9 | |
PLT | TPLOT graph source | 32 | |
PLT | Toon Boom Palette (v2) | 11 | |
PLUX | Sensofar PLUx SPM data | 6 | |
PLX | CompuServe Information Manager for DOS messages container | 3 | |
PLX | Palladix Ad Lib module | 3 | |
PLY | Harvard Spotlight Presentation | 6 | |
PLY | MSX SME 3 music | 24 | |
PLY | PlayStation RSD Polygons (gen) | 2 | |
PLY | PlayStation RSD Polygons (v3.0) | 2 | |
PLY | Polygon File Format (ASCII) | 62 | |
PLY | Polygon File Format (binary) | 24 | |
PLY | ROBOPLAY Player plugin | 15 | |
PLY | The Print Shop Deluxe Layout | 2 | |
PM | PM XV bitmap | 2 | |
PM | PM XV bitmap (alt.endianess) | 2 | |
PM | Power Music song/module | 3 | |
PM0 | DeLorme map data | 13 | |
PM3 | Aldus PageMaker document (v3) | 23 | Joerg Jenderek |
PM3 | Crouzet Logic Software M3 project | 6 | |
PM4 | Aldus PageMaker document (v4) | 18 | |
PM4 | PathMinder Applications Menus (v4.00) | 2 | |
PM4/CNF | PathMinder configuration (generic) | 3 | |
PM5 | Aldus PageMaker document (v5) | 19 | |
PM6/P65/PMD | Adobe PageMaker document (generic OLE2 based) | 378 | |
PM6 | Adobe PageMaker document (v6) | 21 | |
PMA | PMarc compressed archive | 20 | |
PMA | Windows Performance Monitor Alert | 39 | |
PMB | Print Magic Banner | 4 | |
PMBC | Plane Minimizing Bitmap Compression bitmap | 3 | |
PMC | Print Magic Card | 5 | |
PMCQ | QuickCompression compressed data (LE) | 2 | |
PMD | MikuMikuDance Model | 15 | |
PMD | PMDraw drawing/presentation | 73 | |
PMD | PMG Designer bitmap | 4 | |
PMD | PPMD compressed data | 8 | |
PMD | Page Maker 7 Document | 9 | |
PMD | PiyoPiyo Music | 48 | |
PMD | PlanMaker spreadsheet Document | 17 | |
PMD | PlayStation high-speed 3D modeling data | 2 | |
PMD | Polyphonic Ringtone for Phones | 6 | |
PMD/PMV | SoftMaker PlanMaker Document/template (2010-2012) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
PMDRIVER | PatchMeister Driver | 70 | |
PMDRIVER | PatchMeister Driver (v2) | 20 | |
PME | JBuilder Beans Descriptor | 74 | |
PME | Pixela Digital Picture | 6 | |
PMF | PageTech Metafile | 5 | |
PMF | PlayStation Portable Movie Format | 8 | |
PMF | Print Magic Font | 15 | |
PMF | Swift Word Publisher document | 20 | |
PMG | Photomerge Composition | 6 | |
PMG | Print Magic Graphic | 84 | |
PML | Palm Markup Language | 19 | |
PML | PockEmul session | 2 | |
PML | Process Monitor Log (native format) | 9 | |
PMLZ | Zipped Palm Markup Language ebook | 3 | |
PMM | MikuMikuDance Polygon Movie Maker scene | 6 | |
PMM | PMM video | 2 | |
PMM | PSM 2 container (v2.00) | 34 | |
PMM | PhotoMovieMaker / Smilebox slideshow | 8 | |
PMML | Predictive Model Markup Language | 229 | |
PMOT | Aegis ProMotion Motion | 7 | |
PMP | AutoCAD Plotter-Modell Parameter | 22 | Peter Glasl |
PMP | IBM i Access Client Poppad | 8 | |
PMP | PMP video | 3 | |
PMP | Print Magic Page | 3 | |
PMP | packMP3 compressed MP3 audio | 8 | |
PMPD | Panasonic camcorder metadata | 4 | |
PMR | PhotoModeler project | 14 | |
PMS | AliceSoft PMS bitmap | 5 | |
PMS | Personal Media Suite encoded file | 16 | |
PMT | AutoPrompt script | 3 | |
PMT | Premiere Motion settings | 4 | |
PMT | Premiere Motion settings (v1.x-4.x, Win) | 24 | |
PMV | MADE Engine Video | 84 | |
PMX | MikuMikuDance Model | 15 | |
PMX | Pyramix session | 28 | |
PN | PokeyNoise chiptune | 11 | |
PNA | TomTom PNA map info | 7 | |
PNACH | PCSX2 Patch | 4 | |
PNC | Panasonic Network Camera compressed images | 6 | |
PND | Pandora application installation package (compressed) | 165 | |
PND | Pandora application installation package (non compressed) | 13 | |
PNF | Windows precompiled INF (v1.1 ASCII) | 43 | Joerg Jenderek |
PNF | Windows precompiled INF (v1.1) | 713 | Joerg Jenderek |
PNF | Windows precompiled INF (v3.1) | 1000 | Joerg Jenderek |
PNF | Windows precompiled INF (v3.2) | 88 | Joerg Jenderek |
PNF | Windows precompiled INF (v3.3) | 259 | Joerg Jenderek |
PNG | Fireworks PNG bitmap | 6 | |
PNG | PNG Animation | 3 | |
PNG | PNG Plus | 175 | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics | 569 | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics (Apple variant) | 53 | Oleg |
PNG | iOS optimized PNG bitmap | 5 | |
PNI | Pacific Nanotechlology Nano-R SPM data | 2 | |
PNL | Comic Book Creator Panel | 4 | |
PNL | PDS Panel | 8 | |
PNML | Petri Net XML | 7 | |
PNML | Workflow Petri Net Designer project | 14 | |
PNP/LNG | HMVS antivirus DOS PlugIn | 11 | |
PNPROJ | Programmer's Notepad Project | 7 | |
PNPS | Programmer's Notepad State | 8 | |
PNS | PNG Stereo bitmap | 3 | |
PNT | DeskMate Paint image | 28 | |
PNT/TPI | Prism Paint bitmap | 3 | |
PNWS | Programmer's Notepad WorkSpace | 3 | |
PO | Apple II ProDOS Order disk image | 9 | |
PO | Gettext Portable Object | 6 | |
PO | Gettext Portable Object (with rem) | 21 | |
POD | Bloodrayne game data archive | 2 | |
POD | Disney Games game data archive (PC) | 4 | |
POD | Disney Games game data archive (PS1) | 3 | |
POD | Infernal Engine game data archive | 2 | |
POD/DAT | Pico-8 POD data archive | 5 | |
POD | Plain Old Documentation format | 12 | |
POD | Punch!CAD Object Description | 4 | |
PODSPEC | Pod Specification | 14 | |
POF | Programming Object File | 11 | |
POG | Descent 2 alternative texture set | 2 | |
POG | The Print Shop graphic | 43 | |
POK | WinAPE POK format | 2 | |
POL | InnovMetric Software Polygon Model | 7 | |
POL | PolyWorks Polygonal format (v2.0) | 2 | |
POL | Polytone tracker chiptune | 3 | |
POL | Windows Policy data | 6 | |
POL | X-Plane Draped Polygon | 10 | |
POLY | Aegis Animator Polygon | 27 | |
POLY | Caligari TrueSpace Polyline (v2.x) | 36 | |
POM/XML | Maven Project Object Model | 38 | |
PONT | Protege classes | 10 | |
POP | MegaPaint POP | 2 | |
POR | SPSS Portable ASCII Data | 5 | |
POS | Makkoya POS | 197 | |
POS | WinHex Position Data | 2 | |
POS | Zapper In Neverwhere saved game | 4 | |
POST | Yahoo! Voice Mail | 2 | |
POSTBUILD | Xenocode Postbuild settings | 7 | |
POT | Fractint Continuous Potential Image | 12 | |
POV-STATE | Persistence of Vision state | 7 | |
POW | Windows NT Registry Hive (POWer scheme) | 9 | Joerg Jenderek |
PP | PowerPacker compressed (v1.1) | 3 | |
PP | PowerPacker compressed (v2.0) | 2 | |
PP1/PP2/PP3 | Picture Packer bitmap | 15 | |
PP2 | Ping Plotter Sample file | 5 | |
PP2D | Pro Pixel Demo Image | 3 | |
PP2P | Pro Pixel 2D Palette Bank | 2 | |
PP3 | RawTherapee Postprocessing Profile | 18 | |
PP5 | Micrografx Picture Publisher 5 document | 2 | |
PPAM | PowerPoint Macro-enabled Open XML add-in | 11 | |
PPD | PostScript Printer Description | 23 | |
PPD | ProfiCAD symbols | 125 | |
PPD | ProfiCAD symbols (v3) | 792 | |
PPD | ProfiCAD symbols (v4) | 45 | |
PPE | PCBoard Programming Language Executable (generic) | 28 | |
PPE | PCBoard Programming Language Executable (v2.00) | 8 | |
PPE | PCBoard Programming Language Executable (v3.10) | 20 | |
PPENC | Ashampoo Magical Security encrypted | 5 | |
PPF | DAISY Protected Package File | 6 | |
PPF | Micrografx Picture Publisher 6-10 document | 39 | |
PPF | PinPoint Form | 20 | |
PPF | PlayStation Patch File (generic) | 4 | |
PPF | PlayStation Patch File (v1.0) | 4 | |
PPF | PlayStation Patch File (v2.0) | 2 | |
PPF | PlayStation Patch File (v3.0) | 3 | |
PPF | Quartus Pin Planner File definition | 13 | |
PPG | Pro Pixel Image bitmap | 3 | |
PPG | Programmer's Notepad Project Group | 5 | |
PPJ | Pelles C Project | 12 | |
PPJ | Pelles C Project (UTF-8) | 4 | |
PPJ | Premiere Project (v1.x-4.x, Mac) | 13 | |
PPJ | Premiere Project (v1.x-4.x, Win) | 12 | |
PPJ | Premiere project | 58 | |
PPK | PGNPack archive (v1.0b) | 2 | |
PPK | PuTTY Private Key (generic) | 17 | |
PPK | PuTTY Private Key (v2) | 16 | |
PPKG | Microsoft Windows Provisioning Package | 109 | Joerg Jenderek |
PPL | Poker Programming Language | 5 | |
PPM | Nintendo DSi Flipnote Studio Animation | 1617 | Eric |
PPM | Portable PixMap bitmap (ASCII) | 5 | |
PPM | Portable PixMap bitmap (binary) | 4 | |
PPMOD | Papers Please Mod | 3 | |
PPMZ | PPMZ compressed data | 2 | |
PPMZ2/PPZ2 | PPMZ2 compressed data | 3 | |
PPN | packPNM compressed BMP bitmap | 5 | |
PPN | packPNM compressed Portable GrayMap (binary) bitmap | 4 | |
PPN | packPNM compressed Portable PixMap (binary) bitmap | 4 | |
PPP | CyberLink PowerProducer Project | 8 | |
PPP | Paintpro bitmap (generic) | 4 | |
PPP | Paintpro bitmap (v6.0) | 2 | |
PPP | PhotoPad edit history | 4 | |
PPP | Picture Pump Project File | 6 | .Cryorb |
PPP | Pro Pixel 2D Palette | 2 | |
PPP | Serif PagePlus Publication (OLE2-generic) | 28 | |
PPP | Serif PagePlus Publication (XML format) | 11 | Tyler Thorsted |
PPP | Serif PagePlus Publication (v3.x) | 53 | |
PPP | Serif PagePlus Publication (v7.0) | 28 | |
PPR | Photodex ProShow Workspace | 4 | |
PPR | PlanAhead Project | 11 | |
PPRJ | Protege Project | 28 | |
PPS/PPT | Microsoft PowerPoint document | 67 | Roberto 'rbnet' Bolli |
PPT | Microsoft PowerPoint (v2.0) | 95 | |
PPT | Microsoft PowerPoint (v3.0) | 189 | |
PPT | Playstation Portable Texture | 2 | |
PPTM | PowerPoint Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (with Macro) | 51 | Stefan Buehlmann |
PPTX | PowerPoint Microsoft Office Open XML Format document | 53 | |
PPU | FreePascal compiled Unit | 7 | |
PPV | Pocket PowerPoint | 4 | |
PPX | PingPlotter script | 6 | |
PPX | Proxifier Profile | 7 | |
PPZ | PowerPoint Presentation | 4 | |
PQA | Web Clipping/Palm Query Application | 4 | |
PQF | Corel Presentations file | 24 | |
PQL | ACT! Phone Quick List | 2 | |
PQO | PHREEQC data | 17 | |
PR | Javelin Printer driver | 33 | |
PR0 | DCS device Profile | 37 | |
PR2 | Show Partner mastered show | 85 | |
PR4 | Harvard Graphics Presentation (v4) | 13 | |
PRB | PSpice Probe configuration | 13 | |
PRC | Adobe PRC 3D model | 5 | |
PRC | PMD 85 emulator recording | 7 | |
PRC | Palm Pilot executable | 23 | |
PRC | Palm Pilot executable HB++ | 13 | |
PRC | PathAway map | 21 | |
PRC | Picture Gear Pocket bitmap | 21 | |
PRC | Psion Record/EPOC voice audio | 11 | |
PRC | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Parameters (binary) | 6 | |
PRCXML | Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Parameters (XML) | 4 | |
PRD | Apricot Screen Dump Printer Driver | 5 | |
PRD | Marcel Printer Driver | 9 | |
PRD | Microsoft Printer Definition | 166 | |
PRD | NeoPaint Printer Driver | 57 | |
PRD | TextMaker Printer Driver | 289 | |
PRE | Overhead Express Presentation | 22 | |
PRE | The DataMaster Preferences | 2 | |
PREF | Amiga ModePro settings | 2 | |
PREFAB | Unity Prefab | 24 | |
PREFS | AmiAtlas Preferences | 2 | |
PREFS | Amiga Preferences | 9 | |
PREFS | AmigaKonto Preferences | 2 | |
PREFS | Eclipse Preferences | 6 | |
PREFS | Eclipse Preferences (with rem) | 7 | |
PREFS | FileGateway Server configuration | 5 | |
PREFS | MagiC64 Preferences/settings | 4 | |
PREFS | MicroFiche Filer settings | 12 | |
PREFS | MovieShop Preferences | 3 | |
PREFS | PureBasic IDE exported Preferences | 4 | |
PREFS | Sigfried Antivirus Professional Preferences (v1.0) | 3 | |
PREFS | VideoMaxe Preferences | 2 | |
PREFS | World Construction Set Preferences | 2 | |
PRELING | Linguae dictionary | 3 | |
PREPL | aspell Personal Replacement dictionary | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PRESET | Ardour OSC Preset | 4 | |
PRESET | Ardour export Preset | 15 | |
PRESET | Montage Preset | 7 | |
PRETTIERRC | Prettier configuration | 7 | |
PREXPORT | Premiere Export preset | 12 | |
PRF | Atheros Profile | 2 | |
PRF | CheckIt Pro Performances data (v1.0) | 15 | |
PRF | Corsair Utility Engine Profile (v1) | 144 | |
PRF | Dynamic Publisher Printer File | 17 | |
PRF | Fastgraph Pixel Run Format bitmap | 2 | |
PRF | FormFlow Preferences (v1) | 3 | |
PRF | Maxon Cinema 4D Preferences (rel.6) | 2 | |
PRF | Maxon Cinema 4D Preferences (v5.0) | 2 | |
PRF | Personal Font Maker Preferences | 20 | |
PRF | Persuasion Presentation Interchange File Format | 9 | |
PRF | Polychrome Recursive Format bitmap | 13 | |
PRF | Polyfilm Preferences | 8 | |
PRF | dBase Print Form | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PRF2 | Nord Modular G2 Performance | 36 | |
PRFPSET | Adobe Premiere Effect Preset | 24 | |
PRG | 8bit C64 executable Pu-Crunch compressed | 6 | |
PRG | Akai MESA program | 2 | |
PRG/TOS | Atari ST Atomik packed program/executable (v3.5) | 11 | |
PRG | Atari ST FIRDC compressed program/executable | 11 | |
PRG/TOS | Atari ST HiSoft BASIC compiled program/executable | 11 | |
PRG/TOS | Atari ST LHArc SFX archive (v3.10) | 16 | |
PRG/ACC | Atari ST Megamax Modula-2 program/executable (v2) | 10 | |
PRG/APP/TOS/TTP | Atari ST Pack-Ice compressed program/executable | 117 | |
PRG/APP/ACC/OVL/TTP | Atari ST Pure Pascal compiled program/executable | 36 | |
PRG/ACC/APP/TOS/TTP | Atari ST Pure-C v1.x compiled program/executable | 142 | |
PRG | Atari ST STOS BASIC compiled program/executable | 8 | |
PRG/ACC | Atari ST TDI Modula-2/ST compiled program/executable | 18 | |
PRG/GTP/OVL/TTP/ACC/APP/TOS | Atari ST Turbo-C compiled program/executable | 72 | |
PRG | Atari ST program/executable | 125 | |
PRG/TOS | Atomik Cruncher 3 compressed Atari ST program (v3.5) | 4 | |
PRG | COREWAR program | 22 | |
PRG | Commodore 128 BASIC V7.0 program | 3 | |
PRG | Commodore 128 BASIC V7.0 program (graph mode on) | 3 | |
PRG | Commodore 128 BASIC V7.1 program | 3 | |
PRG | Commodore 64 BASIC V2 program | 6 | |
PRG | Commodore 65 BASIC V10.0 program | 10 | |
PRG | Commodore PET BASIC 4.0 program | 5 | |
PRG | Commodore Plus/4 BASIC V3.5 program | 4 | |
PRG | Commodore VIC-20 BASIC V2 program | 2 | |
PRG | Commodore VIC-20 BASIC V2 program (8K RAM expansion) | 3 | |
PRG/TOS | Compak / Bytekiller ST compressed Atari ST program (v2.00) | 15 | |
PRG/TOS | DEK Packer compressed Atari ST program (v1.2) | 19 | |
PRG/TOS | EXEPACKG compressed Atari ST program | 18 | |
PRG | GEOS Convert archive (PRG) | 5 | |
PRG/TOS | Gollum compressed Atari ST program (v2.81) | 18 | |
PRG/TOS | JAM Packer compressed Atari ST program (v4.0) | 12 | |
PRG | JR-100 Program | 3 | |
PRG/TOS | L.S.D. Packer compressed Atari ST program | 16 | |
PRG/TOS | PFXPAK compressed Atari ST program (v1.8d) | 17 | |
PRG/TOS | Pack-Fire compressed Atari ST program | 27 | |
PRG/TOS | Pack-Ice compressed Atari ST program | 23 | |
PRG/TOS | SENTRY-Packer compressed Atari ST program | 16 | |
PRG | SpeedScript document (C64) | 3 | |
PRG | TM-MARS compiled Redcode program | 27 | |
PRG | The Print Shop Deluxe Rows Graphic | 2 | |
PRG/TOS | Thunder compressed Atari ST program (v2.00) | 16 | |
PRG | Vizawrite document | 3 | |
PRGN | Video Music Box Progression | 64 | |
PRI | PCE Raw Image disk image | 2 | |
PRI | Package Resource Index | 1570 | |
PRI | Painter's Apprentice Printer Information | 17 | |
PRI | Papyrus Printer Information | 11 | |
PRJ | 3D Studio Project (DOS) | 18 | |
PRJ | 3D Studio Project (generic) | 57 | Alex Paven |
PRJ/CFG | ASIC Project/Configuration | 4 | |
PRJ | Anjuta Project | 16 | |
PRJ | Autem PLC/SPS Analyzer Pro Project | 4 | |
PRJ | Borland C++ (OS/2) Project | 36 | |
PRJ | Borland Turbo C Project | 3 | |
PRJ | Clarion Project | 10 | |
PRJ | FireFly SDK Designer project | 6 | |
PRJ | FireFly SDK Designer project (new ASCII format) | 2 | |
PRJ | Harvard Total Project Manager Project (v1) | 7 | |
PRJ | Harvard Total Project Manager Project (v2) | 6 | |
PRJ | MADE Engine Project/game | 8 | |
PRJ | MATLAB deployment Project | 28 | |
PRJ | MechWarrior 2 game data | 5 | |
PRJ | My House Project | 21 | |
PRJ | PADAUK Developer Studio Project | 35 | |
PRJ | Pacific C Compiler Project (v7.x) | 6 | |
PRJ | Shapefile Projection metadata (geographic coords) | 11 | |
PRJ | Shapefile Projection metadata (projected coords) | 14 | |
PRJ | Tornado 3D Project | 24 | |
PRJ | Total Project Manager Project | 7 | |
PRJ | UltraEdit Project | 7 | |
PRJ | Virtual T IDE Project | 6 | |
PRJ | Xenosaga Sound info | 8 | |
PRJ | ergo!pro Project | 2 | |
PRJPCB | Altium Designer Project | 95 | |
PRL | Byline Printer List | 9 | |
PRL | The Print Shop Deluxe Rule | 2 | |
PRM | The Print Shop Deluxe graphic | 40 | |
PRN | Byline Printer configuration | 13 | |
PRN | Dr. Halo Printer definition | 53 | |
PRN/ICC | ICC Kodak printer image format | 2 | |
PRN | Kyocera PRESCRIBE printing language | 4 | |
PRN | Nota Bene Printer definition (MS-DOS) | 74 | |
PRN | PC-Type Printer escape codes | 11 | |
PRO | APE ProSystem Atari 8-bit disk image (v2) | 2 | |
PRO | APE ProSystem Atari 8-bit disk image (v3) | 5 | |
PRO | CODESYS Project | 25 | |
PRO | Infinity Engine Projectile (v1.0) | 165 | Sam. |
PRO | KeyTronic Trakball profile | 2 | |
PRO | KiCad Project | 13 | |
PRO | KiCad Project (updated) | 32 | |
PRO | MSX Protracker 1.0 module | 21 | |
PRO4/PRO5 | ProPresenter 4/5 presentation | 211 | |
PRO6 | ProPresenter 6 presentation | 78 | |
PRO6 | ProPresenter 6 presentation (UTF-8) | 253 | |
PROCESSEDHASHMAP | Glyphs outline hashes | 22 | |
PROCSPEC | SpectraSuite data | 6 | |
PROD | MediaShow Production (v1.0) | 2 | |
PROD | MediaShow Production (v1.1x) | 5 | |
PROD | Movie Setter Project | 12 | |
PROF | ART baseline binary Profile | 4 | |
PROF | ART baseline binary Profile (Memory) | 2 | |
PROF | D-Fend Reloaded Profile | 30 | |
PROFILE | Ardour Mackie device Profile | 4 | |
PROFILE | Krita input Profile | 5 | |
PROJ | BeOS CodeWarrior Project | 9 | |
PROJ | L3DT Project | 5 | |
PROJ | MSBuild Project | 8 | |
PROJ | Poseidon for UML Project information | 8 | |
PROJ | World Construction Set Project | 4 | |
PROJECT | CineMorph Project | 3 | |
PROJECT | CodeLite Project | 11 | |
PROJECT | Defold Project | 6 | |
PROJECT | Eclipse Project settings | 38 | |
PROJECT | Gambas Project | 6 | |
PROJECT | Gambas project (v2) | 6 | |
PROJECT | Gambas project (v2) | 10 | |
PROJECTMGR | ISE Project configuration | 17 | |
PROPERTIES | HSQLDB configuration | 6 | |
PROVBANK | Prophet V preset | 8 | |
PRP | Ghidra Properties | 7 | |
PRP/PVP/VPK | Overlord game data archive | 4 | |
PRP | VideoMaxe Printer Preferences | 4 | |
PRPRESET | Adobe Premiere Preset | 7 | |
PRPROJ | Premiere Project | 90 | |
PRQ | InstallShield Setup Prerequisites | 11 | |
PRQ | InstallShield Setup Prerequisites (UTF-8) | 5 | |
PRS | ARTstor Presentation | 6 | Tyler Thorsted |
PRS | Back-It Preset (v2) | 7 | |
PRS | Back-It Preset (v4) | 2 | |
PRS | Harvard Graphics Presentation (v1-3) | 6 | Tyler Thorsted |
PRS | PRS Format Resource data | 4 | |
PRS | SNS-HDR Preset | 14 | |
PRS | WordPerfect Printer Resource | 4 | Joerg Jenderek |
PRS | Yamaha Pro Style | 692 | |
PRT | Brown Bag Word Processor Printer control ruler | 2 | |
PRT | Dac-Easy Word Printer | 81 | |
PRT | Dr. Halo IV Printer driver | 33 | |
PRT/DPT | DynaCADD Part (generic) | 18 | |
PRT/DPT | DynaCADD Part (v1.5) | 3 | |
PRT/DPT | DynaCADD Part (v2.0) | 16 | |
PRT | MegaCAD Project | 18 | |
PRT | MegaPaint Printer definition | 4 | |
PRT | MeshMixer Part data | 82 | |
PRT | PreTracker module | 26 | |
PRT | Pro/ENGINEER parts file | 11 | |
PRT | Siemens Unigraphics Part | 14 | Stadler Stefan |
PRT | Thinkbox Particle | 3 | |
PRTL | Adobe Premiere Title (BE) | 4 | |
PRTL | Adobe Premiere Title (LE) | 21 | |
PRU2 | Prorunner 2.0 Music | 20 | |
PRV | Quarterdeck Provider info | 55 | |
PRX | FormWorx for DOS Printer driver | 56 | |
PRX | GP-Pro EX Project | 25 | Mariano Maida |
PRX/WME | Windows Media stream Profile | 43 | |
PRZ | Lotus Freelance Graphics Presentation | 15 | |
PS | PostScript document | 50 | |
PS1XML | Windows PowerShell formatting | 15 | |
PS1XML | Windows PowerShell formatting (UTF-8) | 13 | |
PS1XML | Windows PowerShell types | 13 | |
PS1XML | Windows PowerShell types (UTF-8) | 10 | |
PS2 | PS2 Memory Card image | 7 | Masamune3210 |
PSA | Extra! for Windows Album/slideshow | 3 | |
PSA | Pretty Simple Archiver compressed archive | 2 | |
PSA | ProSpace schematic | 2 | |
PSA | Professional Sound Artists module | 5 | |
PSAFE3 | Password Safe database | 2 | |
PSARC | PlayStation Archive (LZMA) | 2 | |
PSARC | PlayStation Archive (zlib) | 7 | dtu |
PSB | Photoshop Large Document Format | 3 | |
PSBT | Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction | 2 | |
PSC | 3M Printscape document (v2.x) | 169 | |
PSC/PSP | Aura: Fate of the Ages game data | 62 | |
PSC | PaintShop plus Compressed bitmap | 4 | |
PSC | Spectrum Pro Sound Creator chiptune | 64 | |
PSCI | PETSCII character graphics | 24 | |
PSD/PDD | Adobe Photoshop image | 77 | |
PSE | The Print Shop Deluxe Seal Exteriors | 2 | |
PSEG/PSE | IBM Printer Page Segment | 6 | |
PSESS | Visual Studio Performance Session | 16 | |
PSET | Aegis ProMotion Set | 2 | |
PSF | Linux PC Screen Font data (PSF1) | 2 | |
PSF | Linux PC Screen Font data (PSF2) | 2 | |
PSF/PSFLIB | PSF Playstation Sound Format rip | 224 | |
PSF | PSP metadata file | 2 | |
PSF | PowerArchiver skin | 13 | |
PSF | Protein Structure File | 23 | |
PSF | WSUS Patch Storage File | 4 | |
PSF | photoStudio bitmap | 2 | |
PSF2/PSF2LIB | PSF2 Playstation 2 Sound Format rip | 10 | |
PSG | Kingsoft Antivirus data | 5 | |
PSG | PSG chiptune | 2 | |
PSG | PSG chiptune (alt.) | 32 | |
PSG | PlanAhead Strategy | 6 | |
PSG | The Print Shop Deluxe Graphics library | 6 | |
PSGMOD | Mod2PSG2 PSGMOD module (generic) | 6 | |
PSGMOD | Mod2PSG2 PSGMOD module (v4) | 3 | |
PSGMOD | Mod2PSG2 PSGMOD module (v5) | 3 | |
PSGMOD | PSGMOD module | 8 | |
PSH | LaserGRBL materials | 3 | |
PSH | Photodex ProShow Show file | 33 | |
PSI | EPSILON bitmap (gray scale) | 3 | |
PSI | EPSILON bitmap (true color) | 3 | |
PSI | PCE Sector Image disk image | 10 | |
PSI | Psion Serie 5/EPOC Word document | 50 | |
PSID/SID | SID tune | 143 | |
PSK | Unreal Engine character | 7 | |
PSL/PSS | IBM Personal Science Laboratory experiment | 17 | |
PSL | Pattern Space Layout format | 4 | |
PSM | Epic Megagames MASI module (new format) | 24 | |
PSM | Epic Megagames MASI module (old format) | 5 | |
PSM/PS16 | Protracker Studio 16 module/song | 2 | |
PSM | Spectrum Pro Sound Maker chiptune | 43 | |
PSM | Turbo Pascal Symbol Table | 2 | |
PSMDCP | NuGet Package Services Metadata Dublin Core Properties | 6 | |
PSMDCP | NuGet Package Services Metadata Dublin Core Properties (UTF-8) | 4 | |
PSN | PMD 85 emulator snapshot | 2 | |
PSNTEMPLATE | Post-It Software Note Template | 2 | |
PSO/VSO | Direct3DX9 Shader ( | 31 | voodooattack |
PSO/VSO | DirectX compiled Pixel/Vertex Shader object (generic) | 29 | |
PSO | Particle Systems 3D Object | 25 | |
PSP/PSPIMAGE | Paint Shop Pro Image | 17 | Inconu |
PSP | ProShape drawing (old) | 6 | |
PSP | ProShape drawing (v1.0) | 4 | |
PSP | ProShape drawing (v1.x) | 8 | |
PSPEC | Ghidra Processor Specification | 84 | |
PSPROJ | PyScripter Project (ASCII) | 3 | |
PSPROJ | PyScripter Project (UTF) | 3 | |
PSR | OS/2 Warp Server backup Rulebook | 4 | |
PSR | PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore | 8 | |
PSR | PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore (OLE Storage ver.) | 13 | |
PSR | PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore (Unicode) | 2 | |
PSS | Extra! for Windows SnapShot | 11 | |
PSS | Ultimo Primo SnapShot | 3 | |
PSSG | EGO Engine Textures | 44 | |
PST | LightWave 3D Preset | 35 | |
PST | Microsoft OutLook Personal Folder (ANSI) | 11 | Lev Kagan |
PST | Microsoft OutLook Personal Folder (Unicode) | 11 | Lev Kagan |
PST | Ulead Pattern image | 155 | Joerg Jenderek |
PST | Yamaha Pianist (Solo Piano) Style | 114 | |
PSU | PSU Designer 2 project | 9 | |
PSV | Playstation 2-3 Save game | 8 | |
PSV | Psycle display preset | 9 | |
PSW | Windows XP Backup Password | 3 | |
PSW6 | Password Depot 6 data | 2 | |
PSWX | Portable Password Depot XML data | 4 | |
PSX | Playstation single game save | 21 | |
PSY | Psycle module | 40 | |
PSYEXP | PsychoPy 2 Experiment | 6 | |
PSZ | Metashape project | 6 | |
PT | Kodak Precision Transform | 249 | |
PT | MetaWare Parse Table | 4 | |
PT | PTab workbook (v3.x) | 20 | |
PT | PassMark PerformanceTest file | 5 | |
PT1 | Tales Runner Model Part (v1) | 2 | |
PT2 | Picatune 2 soundtrack | 39 | |
PT3 | Spectrum Pro Tracker 3 chiptune | 49 | |
PT3 | SymPhoTime TTTR data (v2.0) | 2 | |
PTB | Power Tab Guitar and Bass Tablature Editor | 20 | |
PTB | ProfiCAD Title Block | 4 | |
PTC | CH Products Pro Throttle Configuration | 3 | |
PTC | Galador: The Prince and the Coward game data | 2 | |
PTCOP | Piston Collage / PxTone module | 169 | |
PTF | LiveNote Portable legal Transcript File | 4 | |
PTF | Sony PSP Theme file | 9 | |
PTF | X-CAD Pattern Fill | 2 | |
PTG | Ambient Design ArtRage project | 9 | |
PTK | Pro Trekkr 2.0 module | 19 | |
PTK | Pro Trekkr module | 14 | |
PTK | Puntotek Embroidery Design | 13 | |
PTL | Premiere Title data | 38 | |
PTL | Premiere Title data (v1.x-4.x, Win) | 26 | |
PTM | DESQview/X Print Manager driver | 5 | |
PTM | Microsoft MapPoint map | 11 | |
PTM | Poly Tracker Module | 24 | |
PTM | Polynomial Texture Map | 6 | |
PTM/PT36 | ProTracker IFF module | 25 | |
PTN | TrendMicro HouseCall Cleaner database | 6 | Kieran O'Donnell |
PTN | TrendMicro System Cleaner database | 7 | Kieran O'Donnell |
PTNOISE | Piston Collage / PxTone sound | 2 | |
PTO | Hugin Project | 17 | Scrapie |
PTP | PMD 85 emulator tape image | 8 | |
PTP | Primo Tape Program | 349 | Viktor Varga |
PTR | OS/2 Pointer (bi-level) | 12 | |
PTR | OS/2 Pointer (color) | 63 | |
PTS | Expe PointSet (ASCII) | 3 | |
PTS | Expe PointSet (binary) | 4 | |
PTS | PTGui Pro 11 project | 11 | |
PTS | PTGui project (old) | 9 | |
PTS | PTGui project (trial version) | 2 | |
PTT | NeoC Explorer train / input patterns | 7 | |
PTTUNE | Piston Collage / PxTone song | 5 | |
PTTUNE | PxTone Collage module (protected) | 24 | |
PTU | PicoQuant Unified TTTR | 3 | |
PTVOICE | Piston Collage / PxTone Voice | 5 | |
PTX | PROTEXT document | 11 | |
PTX | Pro Tools Session (v10-) | 458 | Tyler Thorsted |
PTX | Ptex Texture (v1) | 8 | |
PTX | RealLegal E-Transcript | 21 | |
PTX | V.Flash PTX bitmap | 42 | |
PTY | Olympus OIF PTY | 4808 | |
PUB | ASCII armored SSL-RSA public key | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | ClickArt Personal Publisher document | 4 | |
PUB | First Choice Publication | 3 | |
PUB | Microsoft Publisher document | 471 | |
PUB | Microsoft Publisher document (v1) | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | Microsoft Publisher document (v2) | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | Microsoft Publisher document (v4) | 14 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | NeoBook for DOS document | 7 | |
PUB | NeoBook for Windows document | 3 | |
PUB | OpenSSL PEM public key | 11 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | SSH-DSS Public key | 2 | |
PUB | SSH-ED25519 Public key | 1 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUB | SSH-RSA Public key | 2 | |
PUB | SSH-ecdsa Public key | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUBCODER | PubCoder project | 24 | |
PUBLISHPROJ | MSBuild website Project | 8 | |
PUBLISHPROJ | MSBuild website Project (UTF-8) | 10 | |
PUBXML | Visual Studio Publish profile | 12 | |
PUD | WarCraft map (v2) | 12 | |
PUF | Paradox Update File | 2 | |
PUI | UltraEdit Project User Interface | 6 | |
PUMPKIN | Pumpkin Shop stencil | 12 | |
PUP | Puppy Linux DotPup installer package | 34 | |
PURBLEPAIRSSAVE-MS | Microsoft Purble Pairs Saved game | 6 | |
PURBLESHOPSAVE-MS | Microsoft Purble Shop Saved game | 5 | |
PUT/INS | Microfox Company PUT compressed archive | 4 | |
PUZ | Across crossword puzzle | 8 | |
PUZ | Crossword Creator Puzzle | 3 | |
PUZ | Microsoft Publisher document (Cabinet Packed and Go) | 5 | Joerg Jenderek |
PUZ | Puzzle Buster Puzzle | 8 | |
PV | FONTASY Preview | 2 | |
PVA | AVZ Antiviral Toolkit data | 3 | |
PVA | PVA Video (MainAudioStream) | 2 | |
PVA | PVA Video (VideoStream) | 5 | |
PVA | ProtoGen Application configuration | 4 | |
PVC | Panasonic Voice Container | 4 | |
PVD | Aura: Fate of the Ages game data | 34 | |
PVD | PV3D scene description data | 6 | |
PVD | ParaView Data | 40 | |
PVD | Proline Voice Data | 15 | |
PVE | GoBe Productive Document (gen) | 16 | |
PVF | Portable Voice Format audio | 9 | |
PVI | Professional Music Driver PVI samples pack (v1) | 2 | |
PVI | Professional Music Driver PVI samples pack (v2) | 162 | |
PVK | PVK Private Key | 5 | |
PVL | Instalit Library | 14 | |
PVL | PrintPower Pro data | 3 | |
PVM | Differential Data Stream Volume format | 16 | |
PVM | OSTA.org MusicPhotoVideo | 12 | |
PVM | PVM Volume format | 2 | |
PVM | PVM2 Volume format | 2 | |
PVM | PVM3 Volume format | 2 | |
PVM | PWK Virtual machine module | 2 | |
PVN | Design and Print Business Edition document | 5 | |
PVP | PuzzleView Puzzle | 2 | |
PVR | Dreamcast PVR texture format | 10 | |
PVR/SPR | Dreamcast VR texture | 12 | |
PVR | PowerVR Image texture format (Sega variant) | 2 | |
PVR | PowerVR PVR texture format (old) | 14 | |
PVR | PowerVR PVR texture format (v2.x) | 12 | |
PVSM | ParaView state | 29 | |
PVT | PlayStation RSD Pivot (gen) | 4 | |
PVT | PlayStation RSD Pivot (v3.0) | 2 | |
PVTU | VTK XML Parallel Unstructured grid | 10 | |
PVZ | ProductView Packaged Structure and Drawing | 3 | |
PW | Pathetic Writer document | 17 | |
PW | PowerWindows Project (v1.0) | 2 | |
PW | PowerWindows Project (v1.1) | 2 | |
PW | PowerWindows Project (v2.0) | 2 | |
PWB | Password Boss data | 4 | kif aka AC |
PWC | Piecewise-Constant Image Model bitmap | 15 | |
PWD | Password Commander Pro database (v2.x) | 8 | marinru |
PWD | Pocket Word document | 8 | |
PWD/PSW | Pocket Word document (v1) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
PWF | PageWunder document | 9 | |
PWI | Pocket Word document | 12 | |
PWL | Windows 95 passwords | 5 | |
PWL | Windows 98 passwords | 12 | |
PWM | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo Meta file | 1255 | Richard H. Jones |
PWP | Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photos | 11 | Richard H. Jones |
PWP | Smith Corona Personal Word Processor | 5 | |
PWR | PowerAlbum document | 11 | |
PWS | aspell Personal dictionary | 3 | Joerg Jenderek |
PWT | Password Tracker Deluxe Tracking List | 3 | Vincent van der Tuin |
PX | PC-Axis data (var 1) | 8 | |
PX | PC-Axis data (var 2) | 18 | |
PX | Pixel image | 2 | |
PXA | Pixia bitmap | 2 | |
PXD | Pixelmator Pro image | 10 | |
PXD | Pxlab experiment Design | 20 | |
PXD | Pxlab experiment Design (with rem, var.1) | 5 | |
PXD | Pxlab experiment Design (with rem, var.2) | 5 | |
PXD | Rave eJay sample audio | 9 | |
PXE | Preboot Execution Environment | 23 | |
PXF | Phoenix RC simulator flying site | 7 | |
PXF | Pixelformer project | 17 | aeiou256 |
PXI | Pixie drawing / paint | 14 | |
PXI | Pixie vector graphic | 4 | |
PXL/PX3/PRN | HP Printer Command Language (PCL6) | 8 | Joerg Jenderek |
PXL | PiXCL source | 63 | |
PXL | PiXCL source (with rem) | 97 | |
PXL | Pocket Excel sheet | 9 | |
PXM | PCSX movie capture | 6 | |
PXM | Pixelmator bitmap | 2 | |
PXM | Pixelmator graphic | 28 | |
PXP | Igor Pro Packed experiment data | 507 | |
PXT | PixTone sound | 87 | |
PXY | Topocad coordinates | 3 | |
PYA | PlayReady audio | 8 | |
PYC | CPython 1.x bytecode | 136 | |
PYC | CPython 2.0 bytecode | 9 | |
PYC | CPython 2.1 bytecode | 8 | |
PYC | CPython 2.2 bytecode | 18 | |
PYC | CPython 2.3 bytecode | 6 | |
PYC | CPython 2.4 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 2.5 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 2.6 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 2.7 bytecode | 100 | |
PYC | CPython 3.0 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.1 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.10 bytecode | 5 | |
PYC | CPython 3.11 bytecode | 3 | |
PYC | CPython 3.12 bytecode | 5 | |
PYC | CPython 3.2 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.3 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.4 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.5 bytecode | 17 | |
PYC | CPython 3.6 bytecode | 151 | |
PYC | CPython 3.7 bytecode | 5 | |
PYC | CPython 3.8 bytecode | 2 | |
PYC | CPython 3.9 bytecode | 2 | |
PYD | Python Dynamic module | 68 | |
PYDEVPROJECT | PyDev Project | 6 | |
PYO | Python optimized code | 183 | |
PYPROJ | Visual Studio Python Project | 3 | |
PYPROJ | Visual Studio Python Project (UTF-8) | 10 | |
PYV | PlayReady video | 18 | |
PZ2 | Poser pose | 13 | |
PZ3 | Poser scene | 22 | |
PZA | Roxio/MGI PhotoSuite Album | 5 | |
PZD | Pocket Zone Drawing | 3 | |
PZE | GraphPad Prism compiled/cached Equation | 73 | |
PZF | GraphPad Prism project (v4) | 34 | |
PZFX | GraphPad Prism XML document | 64 | |
PZI | Picozu Image (v1.0.0) | 3 | |
PZI | Professional Music Driver PZI samples pack (v0) | 2 | |
PZI | Professional Music Driver PZI samples pack (v1) | 21 | |
PZL | Lexi-Cross Puzzle | 9 | |
PZP | Roxio/MGI PhotoSuite Project | 13 | |
PZW | Picozu Workspace (v1.0.0) | 5 | |
PZX | Perfect ZX Tape image | 15 | |